Tag Archives: Summer

Summer Solstice: No Longer Longing for the Day to Revisit My Journey

20 Jun
Happy Summer Solstice

I recently found out that in this year, 2020, many locations will see a rare solstice annular solar eclipse on the same day as the June solstice. What made it even more interesting is that it will happen only twice this century, this year and on June 21, 2039.

In stumbling upon this information, it made me think about how posting to my original blog about my personal journey has truly been a rare occurrence. When I became a mother seven years ago and started a blog, “Mommy’s Baby Steps” about my journey as a mother, I forgot about some other aspects of my life that are just as essential, my journey as a woman, wife, sister, friend, professor and just a human trying to be the best version of myself with each day I’m given.

While I do plan on maintaining my blog about my journey as a mother, I am intent on shining more light on the different aspects of my life that are taking me on so many adventures. Looking forward to learning more about me while possibly helping others by sharing all that I’m discovering about myself on my journey.

All the best,



The Summer Solstice: I’ve Longed For This Day

21 Jun

Sun And Clouds Wallpapers (1)Happy first day of summer! Here’s to sunny days, vacations, barbecues, etc. Though some view Memorial Day as the unofficial start of summer, there’s something extra special about the official start of summer. Did you know that the summer solstice is actually the longest day of the year and the shortest night? This is not, however,  just a day where you can count on it being light outside until around 9:00 pm. It is a major turning point because the days will begin to get shorter.

There’s something positive about “the light,” from the longest day of the year. It is basically the middle of the year and can be used as a time marker to reflect on our lives and  consider if we are headed on the course which we desire for 2014. As I look towards the light, I am very happy with my life but know there are so many ways that I can continue to improve it in the days and months to come. Yes, there may be dark days ahead (literally), but they will not prevent me from reaching my goals. I hope you have taken advantage of this long day and have been able to accomplish the goals that will light up your life even in the mist of potential darkness.


All the best,

