Another Journey: Sh#t My Puppy Taught Me

3 Jan
A Life Lesson from Zack the Toy Poodle Puppy

Almost five months ago, we welcomed a toy poodle puppy into our family. At the time, he was just two months old, but from the very beginning, he’s taken me on a journey I didn’t anticipate. How is it that this little guy, who isn’t even a year old, could teach me so much without even having the ability to talk. So I figured, why not share some of the wisdom I’ve obtained in a post series I call “The sh*t my puppy taught me,”

Here’s a lesson I learned almost immediately from Zack:

Just because you don’t see it, if you stop and observe your surroundings, you’ll quickly realize there’s sh*t all around us!

No one, including me, wants to step in it. Unfortunately, there’s some dog owners who don’t even bother to pick it up. I’ve come across my fair share of poo on our daily walks,and some of it is huge, and I wonder how could the owner leave that behind!? But in life, how many people leave there mess behind for others to clean up. Yes, over time, the rain might wash it away, or maybe it’ll work as some type of fertilizer, but if only everybody cleaned up after their sh#t, would we all have todo with less mess? That’s something to think about. Thanks for the lesson, Zack!

All the best,


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